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Web3-based AI Intelligent Application Platform

Provides chat-based AI education, entertainment, finance and other intelligent assistant services.

Opportunity Streams

The combination of Web3 and AI accelerates the development and commercialization of a new generation of AI applications and creates a new business model.
AI Infrastructure

Infrastructure to support AI model operation,maintenance and training

AI Platform

AI will bring platform-based changes, change the entrance and interface of write-users

AI Intelligent Applications

The civil use phase of AI applications in various industries is in full bloom everywhere.

Application Scenarios for GPTT

GPTT is a disruptive production technology that is bringing about the fourth major surge in human productivity.

Chat Companion

GPTT chat companions come in a variety of personalities, talents, and never tired.


GPTT tutors know everything and can speak 18 languages.


With vast inspiration and fast writing abilities, GPTT's creativity is never exhausted.


Produces exquisite images in just a few seconds, and offers multiple options to choose from.

Customer Service

Professional and enthusiastic, GPTT can communicate in various ways, such as text and voice.


Can identify market trends and predict better investment strategies.

The GPTT Foundation consists of senior investors from Wall Street, Web3, and AI experts. In order to promote the secure and harmonious development of the GPTT ecosystem, the GPTT Foundation will continue to build it.
GPTT Foundation
GPTT Ecosystem Development

AI Trainer Community Activities

Participate in AI Trainer certification and gaming activities to receive GPTT token dividends.

Drawing Activities

Generate drawings and receive auction dividends.

Online Courses

Participate in learning and receive an AI application certificate.

Activity Tutorials

How to Earn More GPTT?

By participating in the construction of GPTT and community activities, members will gain many rewards and share their experiences.
Participate in GPTT Construction

Web3 and AI enthusiasts worldwide are welcome to participate in the construction of GPTT and create a global leading AI civil platform.

Co-Chair of the Foundation
Certify as an AI Trainer

I have passed the AI Trainer certification and established my own AI factory, earning income by training robots such as tutors and designers.

From the Indonesian community
Upgrade the AI Factory

My AI factory has been upgraded to a higher level, allowing me to receive more training vouchers each day and train more robots.

From the Malaysian community
Visit a Friend's Factory

I have added many GPTT friends and visit their AI factories to receive extra income every day!

From the Vietnamese community

You Will Be Able to Use GPTT on These Public Chains

GPTT will be deployed on multiple public chains, including BNB chain and Polygon, which are currently under construction.